"Resolving to make a resolution is the most important thing."
More often than not the hardest part of a race is making it to the starting line. The same could be said for change. So whatever the resolution may be, simply making it is a start.

"I will jump in the river that runs through our backyard, every morning. Why? Just to get my heart started."
We're big believers in morning routines. Whether it's a coffee on the balcony, a Bloody Mary on the balcony, or a coffee and a Bloody Mary on the balcony. However you choose to start your day, remember, all your BEST days started in the morning, probably with a coffee and a Bloody Mary.

"Wear clean clothes — look good."
If it is on Father Guthrie's New Year's resolution list, it should probably be on yours too. And rumor has it folk music and fashion kills fascism.

"Never live anywhere but Paris"
-Ernest Hemingway
For a time it was Paris for Hemingway. Later it was Cuba. Where you want to be today may be different tomorrow. Just make sure life is lived where you think it ought to be lived.

"Never make a resolution which won't be as important on the eighth of April or the tenth of July as it is on the first of January"
-Carey Grant
Let's face it. Too much change all at once rarely sticks. After all we're only human and creatures of habit. This is why we resolve to a "less is more" approach with our resolutions. Keep it simple. Keep it focused. And make em count. Like a morning Bloody Mary on a balcony in a foreign country dressed like a Dandy.